Full-Time Faculty

Lexah Abdurachmanov, MFA

Instructor of Languages and Literature

Atara Grenadir

Atara Grenadir, MFA

Associate Professor of Art

Abraham Gorin, JD, CPA

Assistant Professor of Business and Economics

Gary Gruber, MFA

Instructor of Languages and Literature

Gabor Kerekes, EdD

Assistant Professor of Computer Science

Sheila Markson, MA

Lecturer of Languages & Literature

Leonard Mendola, PhD

Assistant Professor of Education

Anita Skop, MS

Instructor of Education

Briendy Stern

Briendy Stern, MSW, PhD

Academic Dean

Assistant Professor of Human Services

Henna White, MSW

Instructor of Human Services

Brenda Strassfeld

Brenda Strassfeld, PhD

Program Chair, Mathematics Education

Associate Professor

Adjunct Faculty

Mary Acevedo, MS

Adjunct Faculty, Department of Computer Science

Moses Appel, MA

Adjunct Faculty, Department of Psychology

Yafa Berger, MPA

Adjunct Faculty, Department of History

Myles Berman, DC

Adjunct Faculty, Department of Biology

Eugenie Bietry, PhD

Adjunct Faculty, Department of History and Social Studies

Esther Boylan, MA

Instructor of Judaic Studies

Donna Bredholt, MS

Adjunct Faculty, Department of Languages and Literature

Cindy Cohen, MA, MHS

Adjunct Faculty, Department of Psychology

Elie Cohen, PhD

Instructor of Psychology

Gordon Cohn, PhD

Instructor of Business and Economics

Angelo DeCandia, MBA

Instructor of Business and Economics

Hale Elifoglu, MBA

Adjunct Faculty, Department of Business and Economics

Simcha Felder, MBA, CPA

Instructor of Business and Economics

Chana Friedman, MS

Adjunct Faculty, Department of Communications and Speech

Bella Goldenberg, MS

Adjunct Faculty, Department of Mathematics

Breindy Halberstam, BA, CPA

Instructor of Business and Economics

Tamara Hirsch, LMFT

Adjunct Faculty, Department of Psychology

Rebecca Kivelevitz, MS

Adjunct Faculty, Department of Psychology

Boris Kogan, MA

Adjunct Faculty, Department of History and Social Studies

Abe Lederer, JD

Adjunct Faculty, Department of Business and Economics

Malka Lederer, BS

Adjunct Faculty, Department of Mathematics

Irwin Lenefsky, MSW, PhD

Adjunct Faculty, Department of Psychology

Chaya Surie Malek, MSW

Adjunct Faculty, Department of Human Services

Jack Norman, MA, MS

Adjunct Faculty, Department of Languages and Literature

Miriam Petrowsky, MA

Adjunct Faculty, Department of Languages and Literature

Rose Reichman, MA

Instructor of Languages and Literature

Shulem Rosenbaum, CPA

Instructor of Business and Accounting

Sarah Rotenberg, MS

Adjunct Faculty, Department of Psychology

Joel Schwartz, MSW

Adjunct Faculty, Department of Human Services

Nancy L. Small, MA

Instructor ofLanguages & Literatures

Shoshana Cheryl Tanenbaum, MSW

Adjunct Faculty, Department of Human Services

Devorah Weinschneider, JD

Adjunct Faculty, Department of Business and Economics

Chaya Weiss, RDN, CDN

Adjunct Faculty, Department of Biology

Yali Werzberger, PsyD

Adjunct Faculty, Department of Psychology